Another year

Phew another one almost gone and a new one just about to begin! You thought I meant 2018/9 right but I mean another cushion. Our website continues to move from strength to strength boosted by the great feedback we get from our partner Trustpilot. Giving great service to our customers has always been a priority and this year has been no exception. By seeing lots of industry representatives we see the latest trends in fabric designs and can spot which are the outstanding looks and colours for the year to come. I must confess to loving the research and development aspect of my job. Recently I placed an order for some teal and pink tassels to add to our velvet cushions so keep an eye open for those being added.
Our cushions are usually filled with our handmade 100% duck feather inners however this year we have started to cater to those requiring a non-allergenic polyester filling. Just add a note to your order at checkout and we will fill your cushions with a polyester pad.
Time for me to get back to cutting, sewing and filling more fantastic cushions for you our customers.... now will it be navy, black, red or moss green velvet that I crack on with... hmmmmm.