New Normal

Will anything ever feel normal again? Sitting at the kitchen table whilst the rest of the family are still asleep (9.04am) and even the dogs are curled up and snoring I'm thinking things will never be the same again.
Knowing how hard it is to be a nurse during normal life (I qualified 34 years ago and left immediately) I sympathise with those tackling the virus at the sharp end. Life is hard and sometimes fragile so if you have a neighbour who is vulnerable and needs your help contact them; safely of course. It may just be a chat at a safe distance over the garden wall or even a phone call, to some just hearing a friendly voice can provide a little succour.
Some good things can come from an enforced lockdown and for me it is spending time with the whole family. Meal times have become so important that as soon as we have had breakfast I'm fantasising about the next meal..... when this is all over I will be a few sizes bigger. All those little round tuit jobs are being ticked off and the kitchen cupboards have never been tidier or more up to date. The oldest thing I've found so far has been strong bread flour circa 2015, didn't throw it out though! Who knew that we would struggle to find flour and loo roll? The fridge has had a makeover as has the bar cupboard which is taking a hammering at the moment.
We've suspended all the businesses for the time being so the boss is able to be with us properly and not locked away in his garret (read, poky little office). We've noticed lots of new joggers, cyclists and walkers as we live on a little country lane near a lot of nice walks. Should be a lot of very fit people come 2021.
I'm hoping to be able to tidy up the website and add all the new cushions I'd made in the last few months but with the weather being so nice I've been out in the garden a lot. Today I will be found checking my new seedlings, raking the veg plot ready for some late bean planting and painting outdoor furniture if I can find a blimmin paint brush.
Please spare a thought for the people who are helping us to stay safe like the post office workers, the delivery drivers (well done Saf) and the carers who we see helping people in our neighbourhood. Stay strong and help where you can, we will see you on the other side!
And there was me thinking that it would all be over for the winter season. Here we go again into another social lockdown. I'm very grateful that I can still work and safely distance too. It's looking like we will have to wait for a vaccine to rid us of this virus but until that day we need to focus on what we can do not what we can't. My aim this time is to start the new year (yep I'm thinking ahead) fitter and healthier than I am now; what's your goal apart from trying to stay sane?
Still have lots of jobs to do on and around our house as we are in it so much now it does get untidy and on the plus side I go out to work and hand out the jobs to our kids to do! Win win eh? Must remember to teach them to cook so that when I come back from work my dinner is ready.